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Linear Guides Type FDA-R
Pair of single rails and
Pair of Roller Shoes

Product image Linear Guides Type FDA-R Pair of single rails and Pair of Roller Shoes Standard

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Franke FDA linear guides are equipped with very quiet, smooth-running, high-quality needle bearings and are made almost entirely of lightweight aluminum. The sealed roller bearings enable maintenance-free operation over the entire service life. Rail elements can be manufactured in a length of 200 mm to 4000 mm and, on request, can also be linked endlessly.


RollersNeedle bearing
RacewaySpring steel

Properties - Evaluation

Corrosion resistant
Non magnetic
Lubricant free

Technical data

Stroke length

One piece from 200 mm to 4000 mm, connectable on request


Cassette plate, roller shoes,
Rail body: aluminum, anodized
Raceways: spring steel
Rollers: bearing steel

Operating temperature

−20 °C to +80 °C

Maximum speed

10 m/s

Maximum acceleration

40 m/s2

Mounting position



Lifetime-lubricated, maintenance-free

Technical advice

Data tables

Compare data and calculate load cases
Technical Drawing FDA-R
Size Dimensions
L B5 H5 B3 B4 D3 D D1 D2 D4 D5 E1 E3 E4 E5
12 64 24,4 15,0 12,00 11,9 M 3 3,4 6 M 4 8 3 25 3,4 29 57
15 78 30,9 19,0 15,25 15,2 M 4 4,5 8 M 5 10 4 30 4,4 34 68
20 92 40,9 23,0 20,00 20,4 M 5 5,5 10 M 6 10 4 40 4,9 42 80
25 98 48,4 27,5 25,00 22,9 M 5 6,6 11 M 8 14 6 45 6,4 48 84
35 135 68,9 37,5 35,00 32,9 M 6 9,0 15 M10 14 6 62 8,9 67 117
45 165 82,4 46,5 45,00 36,4 M 8 11,0 18 M12 14 6 80 9,9 83 146
Size Dimensions
E6 E7 E8 E9 H1 H3 H4 H6 L3 T T3 a b
12 9,7 3,4 5,5 4,9 14,7 1,4 5,5 4 40 5,5 6,0 4,5 9,5
15 12,4 4,9 7,0 5,9 18,7 2,0 8,0 5 60 6,0 7,5 5,0 12,5
20 16,9 5,9 9,5 5,9 22,6 2,0 11,0 5 60 8,0 8,0 7,5 16,0
25 19,4 7,4 12,0 8,9 27,0 2,5 13,0 7 60 10,0 5,0 10,5 17,5
35 28,4 8,9 17,0 8,9 37,0 3,5 20,0 7 80 11,5 8,5 12,5 26,0
45 30,9 9,9 22,0 8,9 46,0 4,0 22,0 7 105 14,5 9,5 15,5 31,0
Basic load ratings, weight, length MyFranke
Size Load ratings
Moment capacities pair of roller shoes
Calculate loads
C C0 M0cx Mcx M0cy/M0cz Mcy/Mcz PRS Rail/m
12 2800 3000 0,6 (B+30,3) 0,6 (B+30,3) 43 40 0,07 0,40

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15 4200 3400 1,5 (B+36,5) 1,4 (B+36,5) 58 72 0,12 0,80
20 5400 5400 2,5 (B+47,0) 2,2 (B+47,0) 111 111 0,23 1,20
25 9000 10100 4,2 (B+58,4) 2,9 (B+58,4) 222 198 0,35 1,80
35 12500 18000 7,3 (B+85,0) 5,0 (B+85,0) 559 388 1,00 3,10
45 21200 25900 10,2 (B+109,0) 8,5 (B+109,0) 983 806 1,80 5,00
Type and size
Dyn. load rate C Stat. load rate C0 Moment load rating M0CX MCX M0CX/M0CZ M0CY/M0CZ Weight of roller shoe pair Weight of rail per m
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Technical Drawing  
Data sheet (pdf)

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